M.U.F (Multi,Utility,Frame) Social Vr Avatar (IR) (Free Avatar)
(Do to a exporting bug, Photoshop texture files and additional skins will be added at a later date)
This avatar is Free but also has an option to pay any amount if you would like to donate to me
(P.S, the preview images will be updated later. I ran out of Time to make anything fancy)
Release V.1.2 : Fixed the feet clipping into the floor. Adjusted viewpoint to work with fix (11/14/2021)
Avatar is FBT (Full Body Tracking) compatible
.3.0 Avatar
.Avatar pkg files
.Substance painter files
.PSD files (will be added later)
.Blender Files
.FBX files
.Unity 2019
The M.U.F construct and the model are property of Jex Trex. please do not sell as this is a free avatar, do not use in any commercial product, this Avatar is mean't for Vr social experiences. Commissions to modify and or retexture the model is fine. Jex Trex retains the ownership and freedom to use the model and Construct in future projects.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jex_Trex
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Jex_Trex
Discord: https://discord.gg/cCNWauEHPZ
M.U.F, multi utility frame or Multi use frame, is a mass produced platform made for easy modification to fulfill most task any potential consumers may require. Equipped with a 15 EH (Earth hour) Battery and a 3 tier passive recharge system for down hours, these units use expansion slots to fit many scale 5 and lower sized AI cores and are durable and easy to repair should they incur any damages. Do to the limitless customization available with this platform outside of our own parts, we do not accept liabilities that may result from adjustments or customization's made by the purchaser. we hope you enjoy your new M.U.F and are satisfied with it's limitless utility. CytillTek is not responsible for misuse of the platform, by purchasing this unit(s) you are agreeing to being solely responsible for any injury or death that may result. Base frames are 100% safety tested before shipping. Improper use is a factor in all task and the purchaser is expected to exercise common sense and basic logic when modifying this platform.